Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Open House

The sky blushed at sunset and a purple evening has settled across campus. Tonight is Open House. We began at 6:15 and will end at 8:40. Parents will walk their child's schedule with ten minutes between each short class periods. 

There have been years when I have students run open house. I have had small groups stand and show their work to parents and talk about our instructional routines.  I've had parents write to their children and children write to their parents. I've had students run centers during Open House and even read or perform poetry. I wish I'd planned a creative piece for this year, but I didn't. The most engaging piece of the evening has been thing we've done is look at a students' latest essays to give parents a clear picture of our new assessment

We have new standards and new high-stakes tests. We have new textbooks and our school is in the middle of a thirty-month remodel. This year I'm doing the talking though now that I've talked through five class periods I can honestly say I wish I'd put something more student-centered in place. Ten minutes is such a short meet and greet time. 

Still, it's been a pleasure to meet my students' parents. I've loved telling them how great their children are this evening. Sharing how students shine tops my list of teaching perks.


  1. Your first line helps me feel that even in the midst of this busy day, you are balanced in your life -- teaching is an important part of your world, but it is not the only thing. I love that you still found the beauty in the sky, especially with all the crazy new-ness you are dealing with in your school life!

  2. Such a positive outlook on an important night for parents. Yes, we have many difficulties, but our kids' parents deserve to know how hard we work on behalf of the kids we love and believe in.

  3. Such a great outlook - and lots going on with new new new! Good for you for letting your students shine!

  4. It sounds as if it was a lovely evening, despite your missing the creative piece. Sometimes parents just want to hear the teacher, don't you think? Ten minutes is a brief time, glad it all went well, & you had time to look at the sunset.
