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My lesson plan folder on our School Collaboration site. |
Here's the page I use to introduce my plans to my administrator along with links to the calendar files.
Are you required to turn in lesson and unit plans at your school? I'd be interested in hearing what you, your school and or your district does. If you have a minute, share in comments or send a screen shot of your plans my way on Twitter.
* * *
Audience matters when writing lesson plans. I use an
instructional calendar for myself to paint a big picture of the focus, goals
and texts I will use over the course of units and quarters. The focus calendar files are named:
Pre-IB English 2: focuscalendar_2014 ib_quarter 2
AP Lang: focus calendar_2014_ap_quarter 2
I write daily and weekly plans for students. I publish lesson plans online for students and
parents. I try to link documents and resources students need to participate in
class (in case they were absent or in case they need support outside of school).
Such transparency helps me communicate with students and keep parents informed
about what is going on in English class.
I update the daily/weekly plans as needed based on what
happens in class.
Because I am writing plans for students to use, the material
they most need to be able to do what we are doing in class is noted first: daily learning targets and the agenda items as
well as assessments, reviews and homework.
Then below the orange line I note items administration has requested: Marzano’s instructional elements, Florida Core standards
and other professional requirements.
My daily plans are tabbed web pages. Click the dated tab on the
webpage to go to the week. Links to each week are also provided below. Please
note that though I plan units and map out the quarter for students ahead of
time, daily plans are usually written out one to two weeks at a time based on
needs assessed during classroom instruction. Plans change. Instruction adapts to students' needs.
I welcome feedback about my lesson plans. To receive such
feedback in the past I have blogged about my planning processes. Feedback
in the form of comments from other educators is one way I learn and refine my
practice. You can read my past reflective posts on Portable Teacher, my blog here,
or here.
I look forward to talking with you about my lesson plans.
Lee Ann Spillane
English II
A.P. Language & Composition
9 - 10 (break): http://www.laspillane.org/2qwk9_ib.html
12 (exams):
9 & 10 (break):
12 (exams):
Pre-IB English II Plans
Language Plans
You have always had a healthy practice of ensuring that your lesson plans are available for students, parents, and others.