Hank Green: Don't Forget to Vote America Live Stream |
Can you imagine being fined if you didn't vote? I learned that in Australia there is mandatory voting and if citizens don't vote they risk being fined. There is also universal healthcare. This picked up from young adult author, Justine Larbalestier's Twitter stream during the VlogBrothers "Don't Forget to Vote America"
live stream. I am grateful for how much John and Hank Green teach and talk about issues of import.

I love learning online. I love learning from former students and from teachers in places far, far away . I can dip into the learning stream any time, at any place or from any device with an Internet connection. During the last election I stayed up and watched the elections returns until early in the morning. I geeked out: monitoring the returns on the
New York Times Electoral Map and following the #election hashtag up (down? through?) the Twitter stream.
The last election connected me to Twitter. There was an amazing feeling of participating in something larger than my city or my state it was as if America was united or if not united exactly at least connected and talking to each other. Which is more than I can say about some branches of our government.
Fellow East Coasters, I hope you voted. I hope you stayed in line if you were in line before the polls closed at seven. Citizens of the future (or past depending on your direction) those living in time zones to the west of me, happy voting. Take care. Be safe.Choose wisely.
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