Monday, March 5, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine! Slice 5 of 31

"That was you? At 5 something this morning? That was you who woke me up by posting to the Ning?! Acck! Miss..."

Yes, I wake up early. Often, after a little Bible study,  I cozy up to my laptop with a cup of coffee and get something done. This morning that something was posting a few links to a discussion board in our class Ning for students in my English I Honors classes. I wanted to get the resources on the board, so that we could work with them later in the week.

"Oops. Did I wake you?"

"Yes! At some dark-o'clock in the morning!" my student complained.

Inside, I'm a bit giggly. I try to apologize, but I say it with a smile. I don't think she believes me.

Really, I'm tickled. Delighted even,  that the student is a member of our group on the Ning and that she has connected her cell phone to our Ning network, so that she receives text updates when anyone posts to the group. That's what I call taking advantage of the tools and using them to your advantage.

You can tell by the screen shot of the group that only 14 students (of 35 in 2 honors sections) actual belong to the group. Even then, many of the students have yet to personalized their profiles or spent time developing their presence on Bear English (our Ning name) as evidenced by the generic bear avatars in the members section.

Now if I could just get every student to join the group and sync updates to their phones. I wonder why they don't? .


  1. Hmm...still wrapping my head around NING usage, but my students are much better this year. We have been sidetracked by Shelfari. Thinking about doing SOL with the NING in May with them. Your thoughts?

  2. I think doing a SOL type challenge with them would be interesting. The Ning's blogging option make it a good tool and you could connect within a group (post links to daily slices to a central place much like we are).

  3. I wonder the same thing about my adult learners...I am part of a formative assessment state-wide initiative. We've tried several platforms to get members engaged digitally. It is slow going! I'll be working on some surveys and research this spring to put together a proposal for the department of ed. Maybe your students could take one of the surveys about their uses of technology for learning. :)

  4. I'd love to see your surveys Lee Ann.. Even though 100% of the students are linked to the group, all of them can see and use the content and I know many of the them do. I just wonder why they don't take full advantage. Thank you for reminding me to ask!
